Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mason's Baby Blessing

We went to Orangeville to see Brandie and Robbie, and to see their second boy get blessed. After, we went to the park and had lunch. Breanna had a good time playing with Logan and playing on the playground.

Logan and Breanna are best of friends!
Gotta give him a kiss goodbye! They had such a good time together!

Me and Brandie! Friend's for life!
Pushing Breanna on the "big girls" swing. She loved it
Yea! she's so high!
she was climbing on the ladder too! so happy about it
What a cheese face!
Breanna watching a movie on the way down. Fox and the hound 2. She loves that show.
Logan climbing up the the big slide
Breanna going down the slide by herself.


Janessa said...

Cute pictures! I love the videos!

Nicole said...

Cute pictures! She is getting so big. Where do you guys live?

Al Rae said...

you have alot of good pics of your girl. I need to do better at that too.
I have made my blog private. Janessa has my email.. so if you can give me yours thru her Ill put you in as one allowed to view the blog.

Nicole said...

We live in PG, we should totally get together! My email address is

Taylor Family said...

Hey sorry I just noticed that you left a comment on my blog, as you can tell I don't spend a lot of time on the computer. It was good to hear from you. you're little girl is so big and adorable!

Rosie said...

I just want to know why I didn't know you had one of these!!!!!!!